Consider joining the Colorado State University Extension Greenhouse Listserv. The purpose of this discussion list is to provide interested individuals a point of information exchange among other greenhouse professionals.
This service is provided by Colorado State University Extension and Academic Computing and Networking Services (ACNS) of Colorado State University. As a list member of one of the Colorado State University Extension mailing lists (Listservs), you have certain responsibilities:
- Please read your mail - don't let the messages from this list pile up in your mailbox - read them, file them and delete them.
- You are responsible for removing yourself from this list prior to your departure due to vacation, graduation, moving, or other extended absence. Individuals can subscribe and unsubscribe from lists by pointing their web browser to the Listserv link.
- If you have problems, questions, concerns about how this list works, please contact Andrew Riesel
- Colorado State University takes no responsibility for the content of the messages passing through the system nor for the reliability of the system. We will do our best to keep this system running free of problems to the best of our priorities and funding.
In order to participate in this listserv you must subscribe as follows. Goto the CSU listserv page and follow the instructions for subscribing to the mailing list “GHEX”.
In order to post messages to this discussion list, you MUST send them from the address recorded for you. Message traffic intended for distribution to everyone on the discussion list should be sent to the list's address: Andrew Riesel.