Thursday, August 04, 2011

History of Colorado Flower Growers

When my family and I moved to Colorado 14 years ago, the cut flower industry was still strong. Although the few cut flower growers that remain are among the best in the world, they are few in numbers. One of the best publications that was presented to me by the then Colorado Greenhouse Growers Association Executive Director, Bob Briggs, was a copy of Dick Kingman's book, A History -- Colorado Flower Growers and It's [sic] History. This book was published in 1986 and is a testament to greenhouse growers committed to Colorado and the cultivation of flowers.

Through the wonders of technology (and a new high speed copier/scanner in the office) I have placed a copy of this book on my website:

A -- History -- Colorado Flower Growers and It's [sic] People

If you would prefer, I have a few copies available for a small donation to CSU Floriculture.

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